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With Country Walkers, Slow Travel is Local Travel

When you travel with Country Walkers, we take you deeper into local culture and traditions—steering away from major tourist attractions anyone can easily see on their own.

With Country Walkers, Slow Travel is Local Travel

Go Deep, Not Wide

Slow travel—it’s a thing. Like the Slow-Food movement which started as a reaction to fast food, slow travel developed in response to travel experiences that are rush, rush, rush. You breached the threshold of the Uffizi Museum? Great—check that box! With fast tourism, it feels like you spend half your vacation in seemingly endless lines, standing shoulder to shoulder with throngs of tourists gawping in open-mouthed wonder at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the edifice of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Seen it? Good! On to the next thing.

When you travel with Country Walkers, our local expertise gives you access to places you’d never find in guidebooks. Our style of travel lets you get out and actively discover your destination—steering away from major tourist attractions anyone can easily see on their own. Instead, we take you behind the scenes, into ancient masserias and cortijos, and local market towns where you’ll meet farmers and artisans whose craft and traditions date back centuries.  Travel with experienced and knowledgeable guides who go the extra mile and encourage you to slow down, explore the ruins of that 14th century Benedictine abbey—or relax with a refreshing scoop of fragola gelato and chat with a cheerful gelataio beneath the shade of a Tuscan fig tree. It’s true you won’t have a ticket stub to show for it—but that local experience will confer upon you something no mass-produced tourist attraction ever could—authenticity. It’s the depth, not the breadth, of your adventure that transforms it from tourism into authentic travel. And with our experts making the arrangements, you focus less on logistics and more on discovery.

Best of all, these unscripted experiences can take you in wonderful new directions that are entirely unique to you. Why? Because, when you travel with Country Walkers, you choose the pace of your discovery—we simply open door.

So, where will you go first?

Bella Italia

With our local Italian staff, Italy often feels like a second home to Country Walkers—and for some of our staff, it’s literally true! From the high, craggy peaks of the Dolomite Mountains to turquoise waters lapping the coast of Sicily, our local Italian guides have friends in every village and market town.

View Italy Tours

France, Mon Amour

From spectacular art and architecture to superlative wine and cuisine—there’s so much to love about France. Our local French staff know where to find the out-of-the-way boutique vineyards and hidden chateaux that take you far from the tourist traps—giving you deep insight into the French way of life.

View France Tours

Viva España

The medieval roads and white-washed villages of Spain conceal a wealth of exotic secrets. Among its orange groves and fincas, you may discover the ancient secrets of olive cultivation, learn the trick for preparing the perfect arròz a la cassola, or feel your heart beat in time with the staccato heels of a proud flamenco dancer.

View Spain Tours

The Enchanting Wiles of the British Isles

From the Scottish Highlands to the south coast of Cornwall to Ireland’s emerald shores—there’s a unique character and charm to every corner of the United Kingdom. Strolling through the moors of blooming heather with a local guide, you’ll discover traditions and tales that have made the British Isles the delight of walkers throughout the ages.

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View Ireland Tours

Bem-vindo a Portugal!

To explore Portugal is to experience a revelation. As your path winds its way along rocky coastline past charming medieval villages, you might find yourself unconsciously moving to the rhythm of Portuguese Fado music—the music of fate.

View Portugal Tours

North America: Wild and Free

It doesn’t take a trans-Atlantic flight to explore the world by foot! From the cerulean coast of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton to the incredible biodiversity of Washington’s Olympic Penninsula, North America holds a wealth of exceptional walking and discovery.

View North America Tours

Perú Inspirador

There is no place quite so inspiring as Peru. The ancient Inca civilization stands alone in the cloud forests of the Andes Mountains—a pinnacle of South American culture and design. As you explore the vibrant outdoor markets of Cusco and savor the tropical flavors of Peruvian cuisine, you can’t help but notice there’s no place else like this on Earth.

View Peru Tours

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